관심 & 배움/三十六 計

삼십육계(三十六計) Strategic 36 total

淸山에 2009. 8. 29. 04:50




삼십육계(三十六計) 개요
   삼십육계(三十六計)는 중국에서 옛날부터 전해지는 병서의 정수를 모은 책
 이다. 이 책은 경서나 사서와 같이 정통으로 취급받지 못했기 때문에 정식으
 로 출판된 적은 없다.
 또한 삼십육계의 저자와 저작시기는 명확하게 밝혀져 있지 않다.  주림(朱琳)
 이 지은 홍문지(洪門志)에는 청대 초에 "홍문회"(아마도 홍화회가 아닐까 여
 겨진다)에서 "삼십육계"를 편찬한 일이 있다고 하지만 이는 그들의 반청복명
 에 필요한 한가지 방법에 지나지 않는다.
   또한 삼십육계의일부 계명이 고대의  서적에도 보이기 때문에 그  기원은
 훨씬 더 올라갈 수 있다. 예를 들면 "손자병법(孫子兵法)"에 이일대로(以逸待
 勞), "전국책(戰國策)"에 원교근공(遠交近攻), "두보시(杜甫詩)"에 금적금왕(擒
 賊擒王), "삼국지연의(三國志演義)에 고육계(苦肉計), 미인계(美人計) 등이 나
 오는 것으로 보아 어느  한 사람이 지은 것으로  볼 수 없고 어느  한시대에
 이루어진 것도 아님을 알 수 있다.
   삼십육계의 내용을 검토해 보면 명말청초(明末淸初)에 집대성된 것이 아닌
 가 하는 추측을 하게 되는데  이때에도 삼십육계란 정식명칭을 보이지  않고
 있는데 이런 아마도 정통적인 경서나  사서의 범주에 들어가지 못하고  비교
 적 저속하다고 여겨졌기 때문이 아닌가 생각된다.  즉 삼십육계의 내용이 풍
 부한 처세철학을 내포하고 있어서 많은  사람들이 즐겨 읽어서 목판으로  간
 행되거나 필사되긴 했지만 당시 지식인들이  서가에 놓아 드러내는 것은  꺼
 려했다고 볼 수 있다.

 삼십육계는 모두 여섯개의  범주로 나누어 볼  수 있는데,

 승전계(勝戰界), 적전계(敵戰計), 공전계(攻戰計), 혼전계(混戰計), 

 병전계(幷戰計), 패전계(敗 戰計)가 그것이다.
 승전계(勝戰計) : 아군의 형세가 충분히 승리할 수  있는 조건을

 갖추고 있을 시기를 타고 적을 압도하는 작전을 말한다.
 제1계 만천과해(瞞天過海) : 하늘을 가리고 바다를 건넌다.
 제2계 위위구조(圍魏救趙) : 위나라를 포위하여 조나라를 구하다.
 제3계 차도살인(借刀殺人) : 남의 칼로 사람을 해치다.
 제4계 이일대로(以逸待勞) : 쉬다가 피로에 지친 적과 싸운다.
 제5계 진화타겁(鎭火打劫) : 상대의 위기를 틈타 공격한다.
 제6계 성동격서(聲東擊西) : 동쪽에서 소리지르고 서쪽으로 공격한다.
 적전계(敵戰計) :아군과 적군의 세력이 비슷할 때  기묘한 계략으로 적군을
 미혹시켜 승리를 이끄는 작전이다.
 제7계 무중생유(無中生有) : 지혜로운 자는 무에서 유를 창조한다.
 제8계 암도진창(暗渡陳倉) : 기습과 정면공격을 함께 구사한다.
 제9계 견안관화(隔岸觀火) : 적의 위기는 강 건너 불 보듯 한다.
 제10계 소리장도(笑裏藏刀) : 웃음 속에 칼이 있다.
 제11계 이대도강(李代桃 +畺) : 오얏나무가 복숭아을 대신해 죽다.
 제12계 순수견양(順手牽羊) :기회를 틈타 양을 슬쩍 끌고 간다.
 공전계(攻戰計) : 자신을 알고 적을 안 다음  계책을 모의하여 적을 공격하
 는 전략이다.
 제13계 타초경사(打草驚蛇) : 풀을 헤쳐 뱀을 놀라게 한다.
 제14계 차시환혼(借尸還魂) : 죽은 영혼이 다른 시체를 빌려 부활하다.
 제15계 조호리산(調虎離山) : 호랑이를 산 속에서 유인해 낸다.
 제16계 욕금고종(欲擒故縱) : 큰 것을 얻기 위해 작은 것을 풀어 준다. 
 제17계 포전인옥(抛 引玉) : 돌을 던져서 구슬을 얻는다.
 제18계 금적금왕(擒賊擒王) : 적을 잡으려면 우두머리부터 잡는다.
 혼전계(混戰計) : 적이 혼란한 와중을 틈타 승기를 잡는 전략이다.
 제19계 부저추신(釜低抽薪) : 가마솥 밑에서 장작을 꺼낸다.
 제20계 혼수모어(混水摸魚) : 물을 흐려 놓고 고기를 잡는다.
 제21계 금선탈각(金蟬脫殼) : 매미가 허물을 벗듯 위기를 모면하다.
 제22계 관문착적(關門捉賊) : 문을 잠그고 도적을 잡는다.
 제23계 원교근공(遠交近攻) : 먼 나라와 사귀고 이웃나라를 공격한다.
 제24계 가도벌괵(假途伐 ) : 기회를 빌미로 세력을 확장시킨다.
 병전계(幷戰計) : 상황의 추이에 따라 언제든지 적이 될 수 있는 우군을 배
 반, 이용하는 적략이다.
 제25계 투량환주(偸梁換柱) : 대들보를 훔치고 기둥을 빼낸다.
 제26계 지상매괴(指桑罵槐) : 뽕나무를 가리키며 홰나무를 욕한다.
 제27계 가치부전(假痴不癲) : 어리석은 척 하되 미친 척 하지 마라.
 제28계 상옥추제(上屋抽梯) : 지붕으로 유인한 뒤 사다리를 치운다.
 제29계 수상개화(樹上開花) : 나무에 꽃을 피게 한다.
 제30계 반객위주(反客爲主) : 손님이 도리어 주인 노릇하다.
 패전계(敗戰計) : 상황이 가장  불리한경우 열세를  우세로 바꾸어 패배를
 승리로 이끄는 전략이다.
 제31계 미인계(美人計) : 미녀를 이용하여 적을 대한다.
 제32계 공성계(空城計) : 빈 성으로 유인해 미궁에 빠뜨린다.
 제33계 반간계(反間計) : 적의 첩자를 역이용한다.
 제34계 고육계(苦肉計) : 자신의 희생해 적을 안심시킨다.
 제35계 연환계(連環計) : 여러 가지 계책을 연결시킨다.
 제36계 주위상(走爲上) : 때로는 전략상 후퇴도 필요하다.



Strategic 36 total


The first strategy Victory total

Me 1 Total 瞞 過 海 (11000 it is excessive

Me 2 Total 圍 魏 救 趙 (Structure above above

Me 3 Total 借 刀 殺 Person ( Driveway murder

Me 4 Total 以 逸 待 勞 (At this region

Me 5 Total Tuesday 打 劫 ( Evolution other cowardice

Me 6 Total 聲 東 擊 西 (From characteristic same rank


Second strategy Enemy electric field

Me 7 Total 無 中 lifestyle 有 ( Nothing second birth yu

Me 8 Total 暗 渡 陳 倉 (The cancer the window which relapses

Me 9 Total 隔 岸 觀 Tuesday ( Tube anger inside standing

Me 10 Total 所 裏 藏 刀 (Sound important mission

Me 11 Total 李 代 桃 (Two crossing river

Me 12 Total 順 手 牽 羊 (Pure silk ocean


Third strategy Revolution total

Me 13 Total 打 草 驚 蛇 (Other carbide company

Me 14 Total 借 尸 還 魂 (It kicks, exchange soul

Me 15 Total 調 虎 離 山 (Trillion units li mountain

Me 16 Total Abusive language 擒 故 縱 (Abusive language safe kind

Me 17 Total 抛 引 玉 (Gun whole man jade

Me 18 Total 擒 賊 擒 王 (Gold installment savings king


Your strategy Soul electric field

Me 19 Total 釜 底 抽 薪 (That postscript of father

Me 20 Total 混 Wednesday 摸 魚 (Coma mother tongue

Me 21 Total Friday 蟬 脫 殼 (The line of gold thread the angle which will burn

Me 22 Total 關 門 捉 賊 (Boundary gate tightly the enemy

Me 23 Total 遠 交 近 攻 ( Won masticatory muscle worker

Me 24 Total 假 途 伐 (Highway punishment koyk


Fifth strategy Bottle electric field

Me 25 Total 偸 梁 Exchange 柱 (thwu Quantity exchange week

Me 26 Total 指 桑 罵 槐 (Ground every lump

Me 27 Total 假 痴 不 癲 (Value label

Me 28 Total At 屋 抽 梯 (Upper jade weight me

Me 29 Total 樹 upper efflorescence ( Surface efflorescence

Me 30 Total 反 Visitor 爲 主 (Anti- visitor putting first


Sixth strategy Defeat total

Me 31 Total use of a beautiful woman ( Use of a beautiful woman

Me 32 Total Emptiness 城 計 (Public characteristic total

Me 33 Total 反 間 計 ( Anti- trick

Me 34 Total 苦 Flesh 計 (Six total

Me 35 Total link 計 ( Link total

Me 36 Total 走 爲 At (At surroundings

***   ***   ***


Strategic 36 total 
* 36 total (36計)

< Victory total (勝 guerrilla warfare |#cdaa{) >
When the victory egg the condition it will be able to win a
victory is equipped fully enough, it means the operation which
it takes. With the enemy in our military war potential relationship
with without detail one Plans Division it hardens the previous life
of certain victory novel resourcefulness.

★ 1st total 瞞 天 過 海 (11000 it is excessive)
- The wheat do and plan the tomorrow
The military defense is thorough and when coming to prepare, there
is a gain and loss quality possibility the combative spirit to do.
When normal poem it sees habit, suspicion width ci it is the law
which is not. Wheat one strategy and open to the public type it is
not equally divided with each other not to be, in opposition the
conspiracy the feeling loach is the law which is to come in the
open to the public act inside which becomes known at the outside.
This rightly the moon rightly with two it is a sun is same from

★ 2nd total 圍 魏 救 趙 (structure above above)
- Frontal attack more bypass do
The fire intensively dispersing an enemy strength attacking the
enemy who becomes more is good. When it is based to the developmental
result of leading actor line divination sign, against the enemy bypass
it does at the enemy rear which indulges taking a front offensive more
and it catches a chance and that it is good to attack, it does.

★ 3rd total 借 刀 殺 person (driveway murder)
- Directness the fact that it comes out is elementary volition method
The enemy already taking the attitude which is clear, the nation of
the friendly nation still position, it is clear and, to draw in the
friendly country from the situation which it does not reveal and in
order to kill off the enemy, with the box it does not waste the force
of the oneself. This strategy to be applied from hand divination sign
and it is to come out.

★ 4th total 以 逸 待 勞 (at this region)
- Be taken up and when coming until, reference wait
In embarrassing situation, to lure the enemy, it talks the method
which does not take a direct offensive, this from hand divination
sign the strong influence recording where the day will go to be
developed from the actual condition which becomes weak more and
it is to come out.

★ 5th total position Tuesday 打 劫 (evolution other cowardice)
- When the chance comes, like the punishment group attack
When the damage is big from the enemy room, this chance from gap
other it takes a profit. This total khway is the scheme which is
developed from divination sign.

★ 6th total 聲 東 擊 西 (from characteristic same rank)
- Induce with the place which is different the attention of the
The enemy will like the weed is confused, from the situation which
is the possibility the calamity it will be able to predict at any
time getting the divination sign which boils is on a lower part
and thay it is a shape where the divination sign is above, chwey
the estimated result broad way of divination sign, from geography
different direction the enemy in order it is bothered and the enemy
to annihilate from the condition where the control is impossible.
< Enemy electric field (敵 guerrilla warfare |#cdaa{) >
With the enemy who is an enemy electric field the case whose our
 military influence is equal talks the strategy which it uses.
The fact war potential is how uses a resourcefulness for and it
does to be implicated in letting hereupon with the enemy, it
catches a chance and it disappears.

★ 7th total 無 中 lifestyle 有 (nothing second birth yu)
- If it is not, like be visible
It deceives the enemy with what kind of virtual image but it is
thorough assuredly and it knows to be dexterous that it deceives,
to change really from emptiness. It does to get up misunderstanding
letting with the namely counterpart, it talks the fact that to
tacitness it moves with actual conduct. ik In principal of divination
sign a consequently it uses small virtuality from initially start
phase and continuously it magnifies it goes out, with big virtuality
and and to finally to be originated from the form which distinguishes
truth suddenly.

★ 8th total 暗 渡 陳 倉 (cancer window which relapses)
- Leak untrue information and use in reverse
It exposes the attack trend of the oneself with deliberation and the
enemy to confront hereupon and in order to prepare, it induces, with
actually secretly bypass it talks the fact that it attacks different
direction. This rightly ik to apply the principal of divination sign.

★ 9th total 隔 岸 觀 Tuesday (tube anger inside standing)
- When the internal trouble happens observes in relation
The contradiction is exposed the case where the order will come to
be confused trillion width whole families happens waits on the enemy
inside. The enemy field is antagonistic with each other to become the
enemy, it fights and when, that spirit is certainly gone up with a
fall and the place, this as principal of example divination sign
adapts to a time rightly and when it moves with conduct, there is a
possibility of bringing a harmonious result.

★ 10th total 所 裏 藏 刀 (sound important mission)
- The weapon of touchingness feeling dances with laugh
In order to be relieved letting with the enemy, and to guard against
in order negligently, to make, to make stand the preparation for
being sufficient in order to prepare, a stratagem in tacitness and
and. When the chance comes once, immediate conduct in order it does
and the enemy not to confront up to that in change. This to apply
feeling divination sign principal.

★ 11th total 李 代 桃 river (two crossing river)
- Induce the decisive victory with small loss
Is the influence, certainly it will atrophy it is a preparation
which is to be taken up. The strength of our military is few, it
does to oppose the enemy crack unit to respect, to catch a chance
letting as the concentrating unit of our military and in order to
annihilate the enemy, must do. This rightly to apply the principal
of hand divination sign.

★ 12th total 順 手 牽 羊 (pure silk ocean)
- No matter how small profit it does not pass over to dry,
Small imaginary point time it is appropriate and must use, small
profit positivity there must be it will be able to win. When it
does like this, it will burn with the victory where the enemy
the small loss our military is small it will can change and and.
This to apply the principal of wind divination sign and affection
divination sign.

< Revolution total (功 guerrilla warfare |#cdaa{) >
It talks the tactic it will be able to apply directly in revolution
egg battle. Attack and defense one which relation it wins with each
other, it is not with each other and the security element which will
not become it prepares. It knows the enemy only and the oneself it
is accurate and when it will be able to grasp, it will be able to
win every battle.

★ 13th total 打 草 驚 蛇 (other carbide company)
- In order to distinguish the intention of the counterpart,
When the suspicion gets, it is positive and it reconnoiters, after
grasping a situation completely must move with conduct. The principal
 of luck divination sign disposes an enemy conspiracy is the mediation
means for.

★ 14th total 借 尸 還 魂 (it kicks, exchange soul)
- The venture which does not have a countermeasure flee
The squill the useless thing (it cannot prepare an artificial ability)
If the possibility of borrowing it is not, it will borrow and that it
 is not the wool which it will write there is a possibility where it
will write. When it uses the fact that it is not the wool which it
will write anyone obstacle without it will be able to attain an
objective. South it is not governed assuredly, it will not be and it
will remain and and it will be able to use. This mong to apply the
principal of divination sign.

★ 15th total 調 虎 離 山 (trillion units li mountain)
- Difficult relation take out
When the expiration comes until, it attacks the enemy again to wait.
It cheats the enemy with artificial virtuality. It applies the
principal of case divination sign and when in future it appears to
be having a danger, short time it is to leave, c.

★ 16th total abusive language 擒 故 縱 (abusive language safe kind)
- Catch the mind of the counterpart
When the enemy is pursued and thoy with is stopped up, there is a
possibility of inflicting the counterattack which is fierce. When
to sprout but with one stem bow, rather it will be able to weaken
that spirit. When pursuing, enemy and completely only trace ci the
passing printed style of writing does not become. It does like this
with, in order to consume a physical strength letting, and to weaken
the strength is dispersed the gap where from other in order to arrest
that combative spirit and and. When it does a tactics with this
together, it will be able to prevent a bloodshed. This rightly as
principal of possibility divination sign is the method which gives
a ray hope to the enemy.

★ 17th total 抛 before 引 玉 (gun whole man jade)
- Plan the big profit with the small bait
To tempt the enemy with the thing which is similar, to get up in
order to be implicated in, misunderstanding letting with the enemy
and and it talks the fact that. This mong to apply the principal
of divination sign.

★ 18th total 擒 賊 擒 王 (gold installment savings king)
- Victory and defeat until last section
Concentrating the enemy it destroys and when it catches that
receipt, it will be able to annihilate that whole ability. When
with the enemy who is unscrupulous from field fighting to, that
method also must adopt the extreme thing. This to apply the
divination sign principal which boils.

< Soul electric field (混 guerrilla warfare |#cdaa{) >
While fierce battle which is a soul electric field it talks the
tactic it will be able to dispose. East the sheep and affection
are Um. The difficulty hits the sheep and, Um the true feelings
and order are the result which is the possibility being calm,
of getting a difficulty because of convenience.

★ 19th total 釜 底 抽 薪 (that postscript of father)
- When it does not become by force, draw out Kim of the counterpart
There is to an if war potential and when it will be able to surpass
the enemy, must consider the method which will bring under control
a spirit. This to be originated at this divination sign divination

★ 20th total 混 Wednesday 摸 魚 (coma mother tongue)
- Get up a confusion and inflict the winning hit
The enemy inside is confused and the gap where the important
operation is absent from other, the operation broad way of the
allied army in order to come with, it induces. This like holding
in the dragonfly where the sun falls as to apply possibility
divination sign principal.

★ 21st total Friday 蟬 脫 殼 (the line of gold thread the angle
which will burn)
- Chinyong lets like that and with the place which picks
To maintain the circle of position like that and to maintain
in order not to suspect an original defensive spirit like that
and and letting in the allied army, the enemy field in order
not to violate daringly the gap which falls in to this chaos
and, and the enemy it uses secret li that concentrating unit it
moves. It to apply divination sign principal.

★ 22nd total 關 門 捉 賊 (boundary gate tightly the enemy)
- Envelopment attack the enemy whom it omits
The enemy field of decimal envelops and it annihilates. It follows
in principal of Pak divination sign, against the enemy field of the
decimal which already escapes if it does not abandon not to be, when
until end it pursues, very it is a disadvantageous transgression.

★ 23rd total 遠 交 近 攻 (won masticatory muscle worker)
- Near suitability sprout and relate
When military aim geography being restricted, it attacks the enemy
who gets near first and it is profitable, to take, nearly it leaves
alone it is not profitable the enemy who is and to attack the enemy
who falls far. This kyu to apply the principal of divination sign.



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