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마약 주인이 체포되자 키우던 강아지도 선택

淸山에 2015. 4. 9. 06:21


마약 주인이 체포되자 키우던 강아지도 선택

브라질 산타카타리나주 경찰이 한 마약 조직의 은신처를 찾아내 급습했다.

6일 데일리메일에 따르면 경찰이 은신처에 접근하자 이 마약 조직이 키우던 강아지가 격하게 짖기 시작했다. 하지만 당시 은신처에 있던 여러 조직원들은 모두 경찰에 항복했다. 

경찰은 조직 은신처에서 상당한 양의 마리화나와 코카인, 총, 탄약, 저울 등을 찾아냈다. 경찰에 항복한 조직원들은 손을 등 뒤로 한 채 일렬로 엎드렸다.

그렇다면 앞서 경찰들을 향해 사납게 짖었던 강아지는 어디로 갔을까?

트위터에서 이미지 보기

그 강아지가 바로 사진에서 배를 드러내며 누워 풀 죽은 표정을 짓고 있는 강아지다. 주인의 모습을 본 후 자신도 항복하기로 결심한 것이다.

강아지는 일렬로 누워있는 조직원들 사이로 들어가 고개를 돌린 채 얌전히 누웠다. 개 전문 훈련사 바니 리코는 "강아지가 배를 드러내는 것은 '항복'을 의미한다"며 "재빨리 항복하는 상황인 것을 인지하고 이를 따라한 것을 보니 무척 똑똑한 강아지다"라고 말했다.

이 모습에 웃음이 터진 경찰 관계자가 사진을 찍은 것으로 알려졌다. 강아지는 계속 조직원들의 곁을 지켰으나 강아지에게는 죄가 없었기 때문에 체포되진 않았다.

Moment Brazilian Drug Gang And Loyal Guard Dog Surrendered

 Dog Surrenders To Police

Freeze - put your paws where we can see them!

Moment Brazilian drug gang were pounced on by police...

and their loyal guard dog surrendered as well
Dog pictured 'surrendering' alongside its drug gang owners
Police took amusing snap during a drugs bust in south Brazil
Picture showing gang members and their dog has since gone viral

By Sara Malm for MailOnline

Published: 15:29 GMT, 6 April 2015  | Updated: 17:08 GMT, 6 April 2015 


A dog belonging to a Brazilian drugs gang has proved that learning to drop and roll is not just for humans.

When police in the southern state of Santa Catarina busted the gang's lair, the loyal canine laid down alongside its owner and rolled over on its back.

The picture showing the line of gang members and their guard dog surrendering to police has since gone viral in Brazil.

The incident happened during a joint police and military operation in the neighbourhood of Vargem Grande, in the south Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.

Police spokesman Filippo Valdez said: 'The officers had been observing the gang for some time and when they arrested them they recovered a substantial quantity of marijuana and cocaine, as well as weighing scales, guns and ammunition.

Drugs bust: Police recovered a substantial quantity of cocaine, as well as weighing scales, guns and ammunition, at the scene (stock image)

Drugs bust: Police recovered a substantial quantity of cocaine, as well as weighing scales, guns and ammunition, at the scene (stock image)

'By exposing its underbelly to any potential attacker it is showing that it doesn't mean any trouble.

Brazilian Drug Gang And Their Loyal Guard Dog Surrenders To Police

Brazilian Drug Gang And Their Loyal Guard Dog Surrenders To Police


'The dog is also turning its head away as looking at the potential enemy can also be seen as a sign of aggression to another dog.

'It is clearly a very clever animal because it saw the rest of its pack given in, and decided to copy them.'

Online users pointed out that with local police thing to simply shoot dogs on site when carrying out armed raids, it was probably a good move to make sure everyone realised the animal didn't cause any trouble.

It was reportedly not arrested with the rest of the suspected gang.