Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn Mi sÿdd fachgen ieuanc ffôl Yn bÿw ar ôl fy ffansi Myfi'n bugeilio'r gwenith gwÿn Ac arall yn ei fedi Pam na ddeui ar fy ôl Rÿw ddÿdd ar ôl ei gilÿdd? Gwaith rw i'n dy weld y feinir fach Yn lanach lanach beunÿdd
Glanach lanach wÿt bob dÿdd Neu fi sÿ â'm ffÿdd yn ffolach Er mwÿn y gwr a wnaeth dy wedd Gwna im drugaredd bellach Cwn dy ben, gwêl acw draw Rho imi'th law wen dirion Gwaith yn dy fynwes bert ei thro Mae allwedd clo fy nghalon
Tra bo dwr y môr yn hallt A thra bo 'ngwallt yn tyfu A thra bo calon yn fy mron Mi fydda'n ffyddlon iti Dywed imi'r gwir heb gêl A rho dan sêl d'atebion P'un ai myfi neu arall, Gwen, Sÿdd orau gen dy galon
음하기도 힘든 위 Welsh어의 영어 번역은 아래와 같다.
I am a young and foolish lad Who lives as I please I shepherd the white wheat And another reaps it. Why not follow me Some day after another? Because I see you little lass, Purer and purer each day!
Purer and purer are you every day, Or I with my faith more foolish, For the one that created your countenance, Be compassionate towards me now. Lift your head, look over there, Give me your dear white hand; Because in your lovely breast Is the key to the lock of my heart!
Whilst the water of the sea is salty, And whilst my hair is growing And whilst there is a heart in my bosom I will be faithful to you: Tell me the truth in secret And give under seal your answers, Whether it is I or another, Ann, Which is preferred by your heart.
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