역사.정치.사회/한국전쟁 史

인천 상륙 작전

淸山에 2012. 6. 24. 20:09




     Army Overview of this phase 


Wantuck at Inchon, Link to Wantuck KW History 

09/15/50, about 7:00 a.m.
Off Green Beach, as Inchon burns beyond Wolmi Do



Wolmi-do island before assault

Wolmi-do Island, Inchon, 9/14/50
Before The Assault: Wolmi-do Island, Inchon, 9/14/50

Marines mop up

Afternoon, 9/15/50, Marines mop up die-hard defenders. 


Wantuck makes course for Inchon Assault

The Fighting Wantuck, APD 125, 09/12/50


Assault at Wolmi-do
Pre Invasion bombardment of Wolmi-Do from Destroyer group.

UN Offensive


Radio Hill, Wolmi-do
Radio Hill, Wolmi-Do, 9/15/50
Dwayne Boice, 3rd Battalion 5th Marines, burns out North Korean weapons emplacement
The Inchon Landing







The Point 

At The Point of the entire UN Counter Attack, 9/15/50
The Inchon Landing
The Korean War   


Bombardment of Red Beach 
    Bombardment of Red Beach, 9/50

5th Marines soon will assault to take its Cemetery Hill.

Appleman: The Landing at Inch'on



Assault on Red Beach, 5th Marines, 9/15/50
Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez

Breakthrough at Inchon


Red Beach 
5th Marines control Red Beach from captured NK trenches, 9/15/50
Wolmi-do's peak, right, dominates assault areas


1st Marines assault Blue Beach 

1st Marines assault Blue Beach during the Inchon invasion, 9/15//50
Navy LSMR rocket salvos plaster the landing areas.


Chesty Puller

Col. L. B. "Chesty" Puller, "fierce and utterly fearless", waits as his 1st Marine Regiment prepares for their part of the Inchon invasion, the assault on Blue Beach.

Amtracs head towards Blue Beach
Amphibious Tractors (Amtracs) carry the 1st Marines towards Blue Beach.


MacArthur and General O.P. Smith


MacArthur greeted by Marine General O. P. Smith, 9/17/50
Comes ashore at D+2, Yellow Beach


T34's on road to Seoul
T34s on the Road to Seoul, 9/50
Destroyed by Marine Infantry of D/2/5


Marines work through Yongdongpo
1st Marines work through Yongdongpo, 9/50
The Squad leader helps steady his nerves with the ubiquitous cigarette

On the road to Seoul, 9/50
Col. "Chesty" Puller and Brig. Gen. Craig



As a colonel, Edward A. Craig led his regiment in combat on Guadalcanal


When the brigade, after its victories in the Pusan Perimeter, was deactivated in September 1950, its troops were merged into a reformed 1st Marine Division for the assault at Inchon, and Craig reverted to his former billet as assistant division commander, which was his responsibility in the photo with Col. Chesty Puller above.


Han Bridges
Across the Han, 9/50
Seoul and its wrecked bridges covered by machine-gunners


5th Marines capture Hill 125
I Company, 5th Marines capture Hill 125
Marine Rescued Under Heavy Fire, 9/50


Seoul, 9/50
First Marines Fight From Captured NK Barricade


Wounded Marine being evacuated under fire
Seoul, 9/50, 1st Marines
Wounded Marine Evacuated under sniper fire


Marines clearing a tunnel
Seoul, 9/50
Marines Clearing Tunnel


Anti-Sniper action
1st Marine Division, Seoul, 9/50
Anti-Sniper Action



Marine Rifle Platoon from E-2-5, 1st Marine Division, 8/50

Brief history of this Platoon by a Fellow Platoon Leader



Death on a dusty road
A dying Marine, on the road to Seoul. c9/50

Agony of last moments eased by morphine from Navy Corpsman




