미군이 촬영한 6.25 사진 모음 70장 (1) Audience reaction to the Bob Hope show at Seoul, Korea. October 23, 1950. Capt. Bloomquist. (Army)
Marilyn Monroe sings several songs for an estimated 13,000 men of the First Marine Division. Miss Monroe stopped by at the First Marine Regiment on her tour of the military units in Korea. February 16, 1954. Cpl. Kreplin. (Marine Corps)
Al Jolson entertains U.S. troops at Pusan Stadium during his visit to the fighting front. He died shortly after his return from Koera where he gave of his talent untirigly and unceasingly. He made the trip at his own expense. September 17, 1950. Kondreck. (Army)
Marilyn Monroe, motion picture actress, appearing with the USO Camp Show, "Anything Goes," poses for the shutterbugs after a performance at the 3rd U.S. Inf. Div. area. February 17, 1954. Cpl. Welshman. (Army)
Men of 92nd Engineer Searchlight Company focus on Yodeler Elton Britt during Camel Caravan variety show at Hongchon, Korea. June 9, 1951. Pfc. R.J. McKinney. (Army)
Chaplain Dennis Murphy celebrates mass for the men of 65th AAA Bn., at Bolo Point, Okinawa. July 19, 1951. Nelse Einwaechter. (Army)
Chaplain Kenny Lynch conducts services north of Hwachon, Korea, for men of 31st Regt. August 28, 1951. Pvt. Jack D. Johnson. (Army)
A young Marine finds a moment of quiet and solitude in which to offer up a prayer for the safety of himself and his comrades. Minutes later, the 1st Marine Division launched an offensive against entrenched communist troops. Ca. 1951. Cpl. Eugene Suarez. (Marine Corps)
Wounded soldiers use wheelchairs and crutches until they learn how to walk with a synthetic limb. Pfc. Charles Woody, injured near Taegu, walks on crutches. Walter Reed Mil. Hosp. Washington, DC. December 8, 1950. T. Sgt. Trehearne, USAF; PhoM2c. Knudsen, USN. (USIA)
Seriously wounded soldier of the 116th Engineers, prior to his operation at the 121st Evacuation Hospital, in Yongdong-pu. August 17, 1951. G. Dimiitri Boria. (Army)
A grief stricken American infantryman whose buddy has been killed in action is comforted by another soldier. In the background a corpsman methodically fills out casualty tags, Haktong-ni area, Korea. August 28, 1950. Sfc. Al Chang. (Army)
An operation is performed on a wounded soldier at the 8209th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, twenty miles from the front lines. August 4, 1952. Feldman. (Army)
Personnel and equipment needed to save a man'life are assembled at HQs of the 8225th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Korea. October 14, 1951. Cpl. Charles Abrahamson. (Army)
M/Sgt. George Miller selects human blood for patient at the 8076th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital at Kunr-ri, Korea. November 27, 1950. Cpl.Fred Rice. (Army)
General view of the 3rd ROK Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Wonju, Korea. September 1951. (Army)
Pfc. Orvin L. Morris, 27th Regiment, takes a much deserved rest during his evacuation to Pusan, Korea, on a hospital train. He was wounded by enemy mortar fire on front lines. July 29, 1950. Sgt. Dunlap. (Army)
U.S. Marines wounded at Kari San Mountain are evacuated via helicopter and flown to hospital in near areas for treatment. Navy Corpsmen prepare three wounded Marines for evacuation. May 23, 1951. N.H. McMasters. (Navy)
Crew members of Co. D, 89th Tank Bn., give first aid to wounded soldier, during action against the Chinese Communist forces north east of Seoul, Korea. May 1, 1951. Pfc. Charles Fabiszak. (Army)
In bitter fighting on Hook Ridge, Marines threw back 800 screaming, bugle-blowing Chinese. A wounded Marine is given a drink of water by buddies as he lies awaiting evacuation to a rear area aid station. November 1952. T.Sgt. Robert Kiser. (Marine Corps)
A wounded U.S. Marine awaiting transportation back to a field hospital after receiving first-aid at the battle zone. Defense Dept. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
A wounded American is lifted onto a helicopter at the 21st Inf. Regt. collecting station at Painmal, Korea, one mile sout of the 38th Parallel, for evacuation to a base hospital. April 3, 1951
Wounded American soldiers are given medical treatment at a first aid station, somewhere in Korea. July 25, 1950. Pfc. Tom Nebbia. (Army)
Pfc. Thomas Conlon, 21st Inf. Regt., lies on a stretcher at a medical aid station, after being wonunded while crossing the Naktong River in Korea. September 19, 1950. Cpl. Dennis P. Buckley. (Army)
Buddies aid wounded man of 24th Inf. Regt., after a battle 10 miles south of Chorwon, Korea. April 22, 1951. Cpl. Tom Nebbia. (Army)
The USS Missouri fires 16-inch shell into enemy lines at Hungnam. A 16-inch 3-gun salvo is on its way to commies. December 26, 1950. (Navy)
A 16-inche salvo from the USS Missouri at Chong Jin, Korea, in effort to cut Northern Korean communications. Chong Jin is only 39 miles from the border of China. October 21, 1950. (Navy)
Supply warehouses and dock facilities at this important east coast port feel the destructive weight of para-demolition bombs dropped from Fifth Air Force's B-26 Invader light bombers, Wonsan, North Korea. Ca. 1951. Air Force. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Lt. R. P. Yeatman, from the USS Bon Homme Richard, is shown rocketing and bombing Korean bridge. November 1952. (Navy)
Navy AD-3 dive bomber pulls out of dive after dropping a 2000 lb. bomb on Korean side of a bridge crossing the Yalu River at Sinuiju, into Manchuria. Note: anti-aircraft gun emplacement on both sides of the river. November 15, 1950. (Navy)
Navy Sky Raiders from the USS Valley Forge fire 5-inch wing rockets at North Korean communist field positions. October 24, 1950. PhoM3c. Burke. (Navy)
Night view of the First Rocket Battery, 11th Marine Regiment, firing a night mission, somewhere in the Marines front line sector. April 15, 1953. M. Sgt. Eugene C. Knauft. (Marine Corps)
Near Song Sil-li, Korea, a tank of 6th Tank Bn. fires on enemy positions in support of the 19th RCT. January 10, 1952. Pfc. Harry M. Schultz. (Army)
Pfc. Roman Prauty, a gunner with 31st RCT (crouching foreground), with the assistance of his gun crew, fires a 75mm recoilless rifle, near Oetlook-tong, Korea, in support of infantry units directly across the valley. June 9, 1951. Peterson. (Army)
The Rockets Red Glare - U.S. Marines launch a 4.5 rocket barrage against the Chinese Communists in the Korean fighting. Ca. 1951. (Marine Corps)
Men of the 4.2 mortar crew, 31st Heavy Mortar Co. fire at enemy position, west of Chorwon, Korea. February 7, 1953. Sgt. Guy A. Kassal. (Army)
Commandoes of the 41st Royal British Marines plant demolition charges along railroad tracks of enemy supply line which they demolished during a commando raid, 8 miles south of Songjin, Korea. April 10, 1951. (Navy)
Crossing the 38th parallel. United Nations forces withdraw from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. They recrossed the 38th parallel. 1950. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
U.S. Marines move forward after effective close-air support flushes out the enemy from their hillside entrenchments. Billows of smoke rise skyward from the target area. Hagaru-ri. December 26, 1950. Cpl. McDonald. (Marine Corps)
Men of the 19th Inf. Regt. work their way over the snowy mountains about 10 miles north of Seoul, Korea, attempting to locate the enemy lines and positions. January 3, 1951. Pfc. James J. Jacquet. (Army)
U. S. Marines of the First Marine Div. Reconnaissance Co. make the first helicopter invasion on Hill 812, to relieve the ROK Eighth Div., during the renewed fighting in Korea. September 20, 1951. T. G. Donegan. (Navy)
Men and equipment being parachuted to earth in an operation conducted by United Nations airborne units. Ca. 1951. Defense Dept. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Paratroopers of the 187th RCT (Regimental Combat Team) float earthward from C-119's to cut off retreating enemy units south of Munsan, Korea. March 23, 1951. Cpl. P. T. Turner. (Army)
Infantrymen of the 27th Infantry Regiment, near Heartbreak Ridge, take advantage of cover and concealment in tunnel positions, 40 yards from the Communists. August 10, 1952. Feldman. (Army)
Leatherneck machine gun crew dug in for the night in Korea. Ca. 1950. (Marine Corps) Exact Date Shot Unkown
Fighting with the 2nd Inf. Div. north of the Chongchon River, Sfc. Major Cleveland, weapons squad leader, points out communist-led North Korean position to his machine gun crew. November 20, 1950. Pfc. James Cox. (Army)
Marine Pvt. 1st Class Luther Leguire raises U.S. Flag at American consulate in Seoul, while fighting for the city raged around the compound. September 27, 1950. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)
Leathernecks lead patrol between destroyed buildings in "mop-up" of Wolmi Island, gateway to Inchon. S eptember 15, 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
United Nations troops fighting in the streets of Seoul, Korea. September 20, 1950. Lt. Robert L. Strickland and Cpl. John Romanowski. (Army)
Men of the 9th Inf. Regt. man an M-26 tank to await an enemy attempt to cross the Naktong River. September 3, 1950. Cpl. Thomas Marotta. (Army)
Marine infantrymen take cover behind a tank while it fires on Communist troops ahead. Hongchon Area, May 22, 1951. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)
As against "The Shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Hymn, Leathernecks use scaling ladders to storm ashore at Inchon in amphibious invasion September 15, 1950. The attack was so swift that casualties were surprisingly low. S.Sgt. W.W. Frank. (Marine Corps)
Carrying scaling ladders, U.S. Marines in landing crafts head for the seawall at Inchon. September 15, 1950. S.Sgt. W. W. Frank. (Marine Corps)
Troops are climbing down cargo net to waiting LCVP's as they land. January 9, 1953. (Army)
Landing craft loaded with Marines head for the smoking beach in invasion of Inchon, September 15, 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
A U.N. LST slips into the harbor at Inchon prior to invasion by U.S. Marines. December 13, 1950. (Navy)
F4U's (Corsairs) returning from a combat mission over North Korea circle the USS Boxer as they wait for planes in the next strike to be launched from her flight deck - a helicopter hovers above the ship. September 4, 1951. (Navy)
View of F-86 airplanes on the flight line getting ready for combat. June 1951. Air Force. (USIA)
The Pantherjets are refueling after rockets have been "hung" under the wings. Ca. 1951. M.Sgt. C.D. Prindle. (Marine Corps)
An aircraft maintenance crew of the U.S. Air Forces 4th Fighter-Interceptor Wing in Korea, photographed through the tail-pipe of an F-86 Sabre, hoists an engine into place for installation on one of the jet fighter planes. September 1951. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
An HRS-1 Sikorsky helicopter hovers close to the ground while Marines hook a cargo net loaded with 1,000 pounds of supplies for transportation to the front 12 miles away. Ca. 1951. M.Sgt. Ed. Waite. (Marine Corps)
Maj. Gen. Frank Lowe, USA, presidential representative in Korea, examines "flash range" instruments on the Marine front lines. Explaining the instrument is Marine S.Sgt. Charles Kitching of Redlands, Calif. March 1951. T. Sgt. Vance Jobe. (Marine Corps) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Three BD-110A switchboards on left and one BD-96 on extreme right being operated by Pfc. James Grahn of Co. B, 71st Sig. Svc. Bn., Pusan, Korea. August 1, 1950. Cpl. Crowe. (Army)
Invasion of Ichon, Korea. Four LST's unload men and equipment on beach. Three of the LST's shown are LST-611, LST-745, and LST-715. September 15, 1950. C.K. Rose. (Navy)
"Freedom Gate Bridge" spanning the Imjin River, built by the 84th Engineer Construction Bn. This bridge temporarily replaces the original structure which was destroyed by bombs. March 10, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
Supplies and equipment are also evacuated from the onslaught of the Communist Forces bearing down on Hungnam, Korea. December 11, 1950. Pfc. Emerich M. Christ. (Army)
Railroad cars loaded with barbed wire at Taegu RTO (Railway Transportation Office), Korea. July 24, 1950. Sgt. Riley. (Army)
Marine Corps tanks - ready for the front lines - are swung aboard a barge at the Naval Supply Center by crane, for transhipment to our forces in the Pacific Far Eastern Command. Oakland, CA, 1950. Acme. (USIA)
A view of the U.N. fuel dump at Inchon Harbor, Korea. Hundreds of fuel drums are lifted and moved with cranes from a tanker onto the ground. March 7, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
Lt. Col. John Hopkins, commanding officer of the First Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment, leads in singing the "Star Spangled Banner" during Memorial Services held in the field during the Korean campaign. June 21, 1951. Cpl. Valle. (Marine Corps)
U.S. Marines stand along the rail and watch the ocean aboard the USS Clymer. To the aft a Marine is washing his dungarees by dragging them along behind the ship. July 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
Missouri infantrymen with the 19th Inf. Regt. along the Kumsong front wish Happy New Year to the stateside folks. December 14, 1951. Cpl. Mervyn Lew. (Army)
With nearly 3,000 pin-ups (including over 200 shots of Marilyn Monroe) serving as wallpaper for their Quonset hut, these Marines of the "Devil-cats" squadron are still looking for more, October 28, 1952. Sgt. Curt Giese. (Marine Corps)
Pfc. Clarence Whitmore, voice radio operator, 24th Infantry Regiment, reads the latest news while enjoying chow during lull in battle, near Sangju, Korea. August 9, 1950. Pfc. Charles Fabiszak, Army. (USIA)
Catching up on his letters to the folks at home during a break Communist forces along the fighting front in Korea, is Pfc. Dwight Exe, 5th Cav. Regt. November 15, 1951. Cpl. James L. Chancellor. (Army)
Former American and Australian prisoners of war warming up before a stove in the 24th Division medical clearing station after being returned to U.S. lines by Chinese Communists, February 10, 1951. Sfc. Al Chang. (Army)
Pfc. Edward Wilson, 24th Inf. Regt., wounded in leg while engaged in action against the enemy forces near the front lines in Korea, waits to be evacuated to aid station behind the lines. February 16, 1951. Pfc. Charles Fabiszak. (Army)
Pfc. Preston McKnight, 19th Inf. Regt., uses his poncho to get protection from the biting wind and cold, in the Yoju area, during break in action against the Chinese Communist aggressors. Janurary 10, 1951. Cpl. E. Watson. (Army)
Astonished Marines of the 5th and 7th Regiments, who hurled back a surprise onslaught by three Chinese communist divisions, hear that they are to withdraw! Ca. December 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
Marines of the 1st Marine Division relax by a Korean hut after destroying an enemy sniper housed there. September 24, 1951. T. Sgt. Frank W. Sewell. (Marine Corps)
Men at Munsan-ni, preparing for inspection prior to acting as honor guard at signing of armistice at Panmunjom, Korea. Navy men shining their shoes. July 23, 1953. (Navy)
Fresh and eager U.S. Marine troops, newly-arrived at the vital southern supply port of Pusan, are shown prior to moving up to the front lines. August 1950. INP. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Ethiopian troops training in Korea. A class in military intelligence instructed by Lt. Solomon Mokria of Addis Ababa. May 1951. Gahn, State Dept. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
An ROK soldier guards the Panmunjom road near the UN delegates base camp, Munsan-ni. March 15, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
During South Korean evacuation of Suwon Airfield, a 37-mm anti-tank gun is hauled out of the area for repairs, by a weapons carrier. 1950. INP. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Officers and men of the 62nd Engineers stand in front of the first train to cross the new railroad bridge which they built across the Han River at Seoul, Korea. October 19, 1950. Sfc. Albert Guyette. (Army)
Men of the 24th Inf. Regt. move up to the firing line in Korea. July 18, 1950. Breeding. (Army)
Troops of the 31st Inf. Regt. land at Inchon Harbor, Korea, aboard LST's. September 18, 1950. Hunkins. (Army)
U.S. troops are pictured on pier after debarking from ship, somewhere in Korea. August 6, 1950. Sgt. Dunlap. (Army)
San Diego, Calif. A young officer and his wife sitting in their car at the dock and staring quietly at the waiting aircraft carrier before he leaves for Korea. 1950. Black Star. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Cpl. John W. Simms of Bradbury Heights, MD, is shown bidding his wife, Ann, and their 8-month-old son, John Jr., goodbye as he leaves for Korea, 1950. Washington Post. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
The Hon. S.Y. Lee, Vice President of South Korea, leads cheers at the close of the UN Day ceremony at Seoul. October 24, 1950. Sgt. Ray Turnbull. (Army)
At U.N. Security Council, Warren Austin, U.S. delegate, holds Russian-made submachine gun dated 1950, captured by American troops in July 1950. He charges that Russia is delivering arms to North Koreans. Lake Success, NY, September 18, 1951. INP. (USIA)
Gen. Douglas MacArthur addressing an audience of 50,000 at Soldier's Field, Chicago, on his first visit to the United States in 14 years, April 1951. Acme. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
Lt. Gen. Matthew Ridgeway; Maj. Gen. Doyle Hickey; and Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Chief of U.N. Forces in Korea, in a jeep at a command post, Yang Yang, approximately 15 milies north of the 38th parallel, April 3, 1951. Grigg. (Army)
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is shown inspecting troops of the 24th Inf. on his arrival at Kimpo airfield for a tour of the battlefront. February 21, 1951. INP. (USIA)
Brig. Gen. Courtney Whitney; Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Chief of U.N. Forces; and Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond observe the shelling of Inchon from the U.S.S. Mt. McKinley, September 15, 1950. Nutter (Army)
Jacob A. Malik, Soviet representative on the U.N. Security Council, raises his hand to cast the only dissenting vote to the resolution calling on the Chinese Communists to withdraw troops from Korea. Lake Success, NY. December 1950. INP. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown
President Harry S. Truman is shown at his desk at the White House signing a proclamation declaring a national emergency. December 16, 1950. Acme. (USIA)
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