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외국인들의 눈에 비친 희한한 한국음식 15가지, 1위는?

淸山에 2012. 7. 9. 04:47






외국인들의 눈에 비친 희한한 한국음식 15가지, 1위는?
9 Comments 2012.07.08

인턴넷을 돌아 다니다 LISTVERSE라는 해외 사이트(http://listverse.com/)에서 재미있는 걸 하나 봤습니다.

15 Most Unusual Korean Dishes 라는게시물입니다.



흔치 않은 한국음식 15가지 쯤 되나요.   작년 5월 올라 온건데 요즘도 한국 사이트에서 흔히 볼 수 있습니다. 

아마도  한국에 거주하는 서양사람이  올린게 아닐까 생각해 봤습니다만  필자가 누구인지에 대해서는  자세히  알아 보지 않았습니다.  그냥 재미로 보는 것,  별로 그럴 필요가 없다고 생각했습니다.


게으름을  널리 양해해 주시길….


 그럼 희한한 한국 음식 15등 부터  하나씩 보시죠.  원본 필자의 각 음식에 대한 설명은  원문을 그대로 올렸습니다. 

15. 부대찌개
Budae Jjigae  : Army Base Stew


After enduring the second world war, and then the Korean War, the Korean people were left hungry and in need. In order to feed their families, many parents who lived near US army bases took surplus supplies of army goods such as spam and canned frankfurters and added them to a basic kimchi stew. The end result was Army Base Stew. This stew, which can have virtually anything in it – including eggs and ramen noodles – has spread across South Korea and is wildly popular to this day. [Image © jetalone]

설명이 대체로 무난해 보입니다만  사진은 제대로 된  부대찌개로 봐주기 곤란합니다. 이것 저것 많이 넣은  라면 같군요.
제가 생각하는 최고의 부대찌개는 경기도 송탄에 있더라고요.
참고자료 : 유엔 탕, 존슨 탕 드셔 보신 분?
14. 닭발
Dakbal : Chicken Feet

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Chicken feet are probably one of the least unusual entries on this list, considering that most countries with a Chinese restaurant can get Chinese-style chicken feet. The texture of this dish is very unusual to western palettes – it is sinewy and chewy. once you get past the idea that you are eating feet, this dish is truly delectable and I couldn’t recommend it enough.

  닭발, 익숙치 않은 사람들이 보면 징그럽기는 할 것 같습니다. 



13. 게장

Gejang: Raw Crabs

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These delightful little crabs are not cooked before consumption; instead they are seasoned with various sauces and eaten raw. Interestingly another raw seafood dish of baby crabs is soft enough that you also eat the shells which are not unlike a slightly harder version of an M&M shell. These are very popular in Korea, and you will see bundles of these crabs tied together in chains at most fish markets. [Image © Caspian blue]

 게장은 게를  간장에 넣어 약간 삭힌 건데  마치 날 게인 것 처럼 써 놨네요.  


12. 해물탕

Haemultang : Live Seafood Soup


While the idea of live seafood soup sounds rather awful, it isn’t as bad as you think. The seafood is all raw when taken to the table, but it is cooked in a very hot soup prior to consumption. The soup contains gochujang (hot pepper paste) and is spicy, sweet and full of flavor from the amazing array of vegetables and herbs that are added (including crown daisies!) This soup is extremely popular in Korea, it is delicious, and it will soon become one of your favorites if you try it. [Image © stuart_spivack]

좀 신기하지만 엄청 맛있는 거라고 써 놓은 것 같습니다만  역시  사진은 그냥 그런 것을 가져다 놓은 것 같습니다. 


11. 타락죽.

Tarakjuk : Milk Porridge

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It is commonly believed in the west that Asians don’t eat dairy products. In fact, in both China and Japan, small amounts in the form of ice cream and occasionally milk or yoghurt are consumed – though seldom in cooking. Korea, on the other hand, has a long and venerable tradition of cooking with milk. Tarakjuk originated as Royal Cuisine, and milk has been drunk and cooked with in Korea since the fourth century. This undoubtedly reflects Korea’s great love of eating unusual things for their health benefits and not just taste, and it makes them unique in that area of the world. [Image © The Taste of Korea]

이건 뭐 별로 신가할 것도 없는데….


10. 도토리묵

Dotorimuk : Acorn Jelly

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While acorns are poisonous, the toxins can be removed by cooking. In parts of Korea (especially mountainous regions), acorns grow in huge numbers. During times of hunger in the past, the people living in the mountains discovered that acorn could be cooked and powdered to provide a starch that can be cooked. The result is a jelly with a very subtle and slightly bitter flavor. When seasoned with soy based sauces and vegetables it becomes a truly delicious side dish. [Image © HapaK]

도토리를 먹는다는게 신기했던 모양.

9. 홍어
Hongeo : Fermented Skate

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Korean’s aren’t the only people to eat fermented fish, but this is definitely one of the strongest smelling you will find in the world. Skate doesn’t urinate like other fish – it passes its uric acid through its skin. When it is fermented, the uric acid breaks down into a compound which smells exactly like ammonia. The smell of this fish is so strong that some people recommend breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose to reduce your exposure to the odor. [Image © egg (Hong, Yun Seon)]

홍어!  정말 처음보는 외국인들에게는 신기하겠죠? 

참고자료 : 그 비싸다는 홍어 넣고 끓여 본 김치찌개 맛은?

8. 청국장
Cheonggukjang : “Dead Body Soup”

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Dead body soup is so-nicknamed in the west because its odor is so strong and repellant to many. In fact, there is a story (undoubtedly an urban legend) that states that some Korean students living in Germany cooked this soup in their flat, only to have the neighbors call the police fearing that they were keeping a corpse in their home. The soybean paste used for this soup is only briefly fermented (unlike typical soybean paste – pictured above), which means that much of its strong ammonia smell remains. It has largely whole soy beans which stick together with a slimy, gluey substance. But, despite the dreadful description and smell, it is incredibly delicious. Before you think to refuse it on the grounds of its smell, think of how so many of us love to eat blue cheeses, and the strongest of the French soft cheeses like Livarot.

 청국장, 냄새가 고약하게 느껴 질 수도 있을 것 같습니다만 시체 스프(“Dead Body Soup”)는 좀 심했네요.  청국장 향기가  시체 썩는 냄새라고??    


7. 순대

Sundae: Boiled Intestine Sausage


Other than the name, Korean sundae has no relation to western sundaes. Sundae is a cow or pig’s intestine, stuffed like a sausage with various ingredients. They are a type of blood sausage and can be stuffed with seafood to give you a squid sundae (I bet you never thought you would hear that) or a dried pollock sundae. Typically, the dish is boiled or steamed. Sundae is a very popular street food in both South and North Korea, and you should try it if you get the chance. [Image © ayustety]

 이건 그냥 소시지랑 거의 같은건데도 신기한 모양이죠?


6. 곱창
Gopchang : Barbecued Intestines


Gopchang is similar to sundae, except that the intestines (small and large) of a pig are grilled without any stuffing. The texture is very chewy, and while the dish is often served cooked alone, it can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes such as stews. Gopchang really is incredibly delicious and it is usually very fresh, so you can be sure of the best taste. When eating it you often have a dipping sauce along side. Despite what it is, this is something most westerners should not have too much difficulty eating. [Image © keizie]

 서양에서는  소나 돼지 내장을 별로 잘 먹지 않는 모양이죠?


5. 닭똥집

Dak Dong Jib : Chicken Gizzard

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A gizzard is part of an animal’s digestive tract which functions to grind down food. It is made of thick muscular walls. Dak Dong Jib is often wrongly referred to as chicken rectum, but this is not accurate. It is actually a form of sundae and is very common (and popular) in North Korea. Because it is such a heavy dish, it is very popular as a drinking side dish as it helps to absorb alcohol. While it is very common in North Korea, you have to hunt a little harder in South Korea to find it. [Image Source]

닭 똥집이란  닭의 항문 또는 그 인근 내장이 아니라  모래 주머니를 말하는 것인데 Gizzard라고 정확히 표기해 놨습니다.  장하다고  할까요? 

관련기사 :  ‘닭똥집’ 먹으러 간 그녀 ‘식겁’ 해버린 까닭


4. 번데기

Beondegi :Silkworm Larvae

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Beondegi is another Korean street food. It comprises steamed or boiled silkworm pupae, which are seasoned. As well as being a popular snack on the streets, Beondegi is often served with alcohol. When you find a vendor selling silkworm pupae, you can be fairly sure that roast crickets are also not too far away. This is one of those dishes that take a little steel to try for the first time, but when you do you can appreciate why it is such a popular snack.

 번데기, 이거 외국서도 먹어본 기억이 있는데 신기해 보이는 모양이죠?

3. 산낙지
Sannakji : Live Octopus


If you search youtube you can find various video clips of people eating Sannakji. The octopus is taken fresh from the water, quickly gutted and expertly chopped into many pieces. You then eat it while it continues to writhe on the plate in its myriad parts. This is the only dish on the list which also comes with a danger warning: octopodes’ suckers continue to function even when they are chopped up, so they must be chewed very thoroughly. There have been a number of deaths due to eating Sannakji, because the octopus managed to suck on to a person’s throat.

 외국인들에게는 쇼킹 할 듯.


2. 보신탕

Bosintang : Dog Stew


Canine meat is surprisingly common in many Asian countries, and Korea is no exception, though consumption is much less than average there, with dog meat being the fourth most common meat eaten. A special breed of dog is preferred for consumption, and there is a different word for dogs fit for eating and dogs fit for pets. Many Koreans are opposed to the consumption of dog meat for similar reasons to Westerners, but it is quite legal and most restaurants purchase their meat from trusted dog farms. Bosintang is a stew made with dog meat that is eaten on the three hottest days of the year (sam-bok) in order to keep strength up. The texture and taste is not unlike goat. Generally, you find bosintang at restaurants that specialize in the dish. If you want to read a fascinating article that discusses the ethics and laws around this dish, read “Dog – it’s what’s for dinner“.

 이건 뭐 이야기할 나위가 없겠죠?

1. 개불:
Gaebul : Live Spoon Worms


Spoon worms are marine animals, and if you look on youtube for videos of them in a tank of water you will see that they bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy that I won’t mention here. When consumed, they are cut into bite sized pieces which continue to move (like sannakji) on the plate. I chose this entry for number one because it is not only unusual for us in the west to eat moving creatures, it is even less usual to eat something we are so completely unfamiliar with that we don’t even recognize it. Despite the somewhat alien appearance of these sea worms, gaebul is meant to be very delicious and certainly safer to eat than the raw octopus if you are a lazy chewer.

Remember, if you liked this article please visit the original and give me the thumbs up – you don’t need to register.


 개불은  정말 외국인들이 놀라워 하더라고요.

다른 건 몰라도  개불은  정말 못먹겠다는 사람, 직접 또는 여기 저기서 많이 봤습니다.

그런데 나경원은 이걸  손질하지 않은 걸 먹었다더군요.

참고자료: 이 아주머니가 ‘나경원 개불!’ 그 아주머니인가?


원본 출처 : LISTVERSE  15 Most Unusual Korean Dishes