베트남전 참상 찍은 사진 작가
손이 떨려서 필름을 카메라에 끼울 수 없었다
[온라인 중앙일보]
In this 1967 file photo Associated Press photographer Horst Faas works in Vietnam. Faas, a prize-winning combat photographer who carved out new standards for covering war with a camera and became one of the world's legendary photojournalists in nearly half a century with The Associated Press, died Thursday May 10, 2012. He was 79
![The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics](http://kaw.stb.s-msn.com/i/1E/3BB03B5BA310700A21281D09BC1A5.jpg)
In this April 1969 file photo shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, a South Vietnamese woman mourns over the body of her husband, found with 47 others in a mass grave near Hue, Vietnam
In this May 11, 1965 file photo, Associated Press photographer Horst Faas tries to get back on a U.S. helicopter after a day out with Vietnamese rangers in a flooded plain of reeds
In this Nov. 27, 1965 file photo taken by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, a Vietnamese litter bearer wears a face mask to keep out the smell as he passes the bodies of U.S. and Vietnamese soildiers killed in fighting against the Viet Cong at the Michelin rubber plantation, about 45 miles northeast of Saigo
In this March 1965 file photo shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, hovering U.S. Army helicopters pour machine gun fire into the tree line to cover the advance of South Vietnamese ground troops in an attack on a Viet Cong camp 18 miles north of Tay Ninh, Vietnam, northwest of Saigon near the Cambodian border
In this June 1965 file photo shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, South Vietnamese civilians, among the few survivors of two days of heavy fighting, huddle together in the aftermath of an attack by government troops to retake the post at Dong Xoai, Vietnam.
In this Jan. 1, 1966 file photo, two South Vietnamese children gaze at an American paratrooper holding an M79 grenade launcher as they cling to their mothers who huddle against a canal bank for protection from Viet Cong sniper fire in the Bao Trai area, 20 miles west of Saigon, Vietnam.n
In this December 1965 file photo shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, a U.S. 1st Division soldier guards Route 7 as Vietnamese women and school children return home to the village of Xuan Dien from Ben Cat, Vietnam.
In this April 1969 file photo shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, a South Vietnamese woman mourns over the body of her husband, found with 47 others in a mass grave near Hue, Vietnam
this March 19, 1964 file photo, one of several shot by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas which earned him the first of two Pulitzer Prizes, a father holds the body of his child as South Vietnamese Army Rangers look down from their armored vehicle.
In this Jan. 1, 1966 file photo taken by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, women and children crouch in a muddy canal as they take cover from intense Viet Cong fire at Bao Trai, about 20 miles west of Saigon, Vietnam.
![The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics](http://kaw.stb.s-msn.com/i/5D/F2B83BDA3F466D224557158EB2F7E.jpg)
In this 1964 file photo, Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, and Larry Burrows, Life Magazine photographer are shown in Saigon.
![The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics](http://kaw.stb.s-msn.com/i/F6/12FD20DA681F2A34B070EA99F9E8B3.jpg)
this Jan. 16, 1966 file photo taken by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, Lt. Col. George Eyster of Florida is placed on a stretcher after being shot by a Viet Cong sniper at Trung Lap, South Vietnam
![The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics The 'combat' works of Horst Faas: Pics](http://kaw.stb.s-msn.com/i/1B/2D3B2B5F479595E1B139767D7DB3FA.jpg)
As chief of photo operations for The Associated Press in Saigon for a decade beginning in 1962, Horst Faas didn't just cover the fighting -- he also recruited and trained new talent from among foreign and Vietnamese freelancers. The result was 'Horst's army' of young photographers, who fanned out with Faas-supplied cameras and film and stern orders to 'come back with good pictures.'
He and his editors chose the best and put together a steady flow of telling photos -- South Vietnam's soldiers fighting and its civilians struggling to survive amid the maelstrom.
Faas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning combat photographer who carved out new standards for covering war with a camera and became one of the world's legendary photojournalists in nearly half a century with the AP, died Thursday in Munich, said his daughter, Clare Faas. He was 79
, 1966 file photo taken by Associated Press photographer Horst Faas, Lt. Col. George Eyster of Florida is placed on a stretcher after being shot by a Viet Cong sniper at Trung Lap, South Vietnam.
. 전쟁사진의 새로운 지평을 열며 포토저널리스트 전설이 된 독일인 호스트 파스가 10일(현지시간) 독일 뮌헨에서 작고했다.
AP통신의 사진기자로 활동하며 반세기 가까이 전쟁터에서 보냈다. 1956년 AP통신에 입사해 1960년부터 콩고·
알제리·베트남 등 분쟁 지역을 취재해 명성을 얻었다. 특히 베트남전의 참상을 사실적으로 카메라에 담아냈다.
베트남전 사진으로 퓰리처상, 로버트 카파상 등 주요 사진상을 4차례나 수상했다. 베트남전 당시 사이공 AP통신 사진부장으로
세계에 베트남전의 참상을 전달했다.
파스는 전장의 참혹한 현실을 기록하면서, "손이 떨려서 필름을 카메라에 갈아 끼울 수 없을 정도였다"며, "이런 참상이
다시는 없도록 기도하면서 사진을 찍었다"고 말했다.
베트남 전장에서 1967년 수류탄 폭발로 다리를 다쳐 과다출혈로 생명이 위독했으나 미군 위생병의 도움으로 가까스로 목숨을 건졌다.
후유증으로 휠체어에 의지해 생활하면서도, 후학을 위해 저작과 심포지엄 등 활발한 활동을 했다.
산티아고 리온 AP통신 국제사진부장은 "그는 어려운 상황에서도 훌륭하게 취재를 해낸 국제 사진기자계의 거물이었다"고 말했다.
포토저널리스트 호스트 파스 잠들다. 향년 79세.