관심 & 배움/신바람英語

미국고등학교 필독 도서

淸山에 2010. 11. 9. 04:45



1. Animal Farm(동물농장)- by George Orwell

 2. Lord of the Flies(파리대왕) - by William Golding

 3. Jane Eyre(제인 에어) - by Charlotte Bronte

 4. Fahrenheit451(화씨 451) - by Ray Bradbury

 5. To Kill a Mockingbird(앵무새 죽이기) - by Harper Lee

 6. The Scarlet Letter(주홍글씨) - by Nathaniel Hawthorne

 7. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(허클베리 핀의 모험) - by Mark Twain

 8. Of Mice and Men(생쥐와 인간) - by Johan Steinbeck

 9. The Great Gatsby(위대한 개츠비) - F. Scott Fitzgerald

10. The Old Man and the Sea(노인과 바다) - by Ernest Hemingway

11. Night Schift(야간 근무) - by Stephen King

12. Frankenstein(프랑켄슈타인) - by Mary Shelley

13. Pride and Prejudice(오만과 편견) - by Jane Austen

14. Hamlet(햄릿) - by William Shakespeare

15. Death of a Salelsman(세일즈맨의 죽음) - by Arthur Miller

16. A Doll's House(인형의 집) - by Henrik Ibsen

17. 18 Best Stories(18개 대표 단편 모음) - by Edgar Allen  Poe

18. In the Lake of the Woods(숲속의 호수에서) - by Tim O'Brien

19. Light in August(8월의 햇빛) - by William Faulkner

20. The Unbearble Lightness of Being: A Novel(참을 수 없는 존재의 가벼움) - by Milan Kundera