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이석기의 NYT 기사 발언, 原文과 비교해 보니…

淸山에 2013. 9. 5. 04:35







이석기의 NYT 기사 발언, 原文과 비교해 보니…
장상진 기자


입력 : 2013.09.04 22:12 | 수정 : 2013.09.04 22:21

통합진보당 이석기 의원은 4일 자신에 대한 국회 체포동의안 표결을 앞두고 의사진행 발언에 나서 동의안에 대한 반대표를 호소하면서 ‘미국 뉴욕타임스(이하 NYT) 보도’를 거론했다.


이석기 의원은 국회에서 “미국 뉴욕타임스가 이번 내란음모죄 수사를 유신 시대 정치적 반대자들에 대한 탄압과 비교해 보도했다”고 주장했다. 그는 이어 “NYT가 ‘국정원이 대선 연루 사건으로부터 관심을 돌리기 위해 마녀사냥에 기대고 있다. 박정희 정권 시절, 반체제 인사들이 비슷한 종류의 혐의로 재판도 없이 고문당하고 때론 처형당했다’고 폭로·비판했다”고 덧붙였다. 하지만 NYT의 실제 보도 내용은 통진당의 주장 전달에 방점을 둔 것으로 이 의원의 주장과는 차이가 있었다.


이석기 의원이 거론한 기사는 뉴욕타임스(NYT)의 8월 29일자 국제면에 실린 ‘좌파 지도자가 한국 정부를 전복하려 한 혐의로 기소됐다’(Leftist Leaders Accused of Trying to Overthrow South Korean Government)는 제목의 기사다. (☞ 해당 기사 원문 보기


여기서 주목되는 것은 이석기 의원이 주장한 ‘마녀사냥’ 부분이 NYT의 분석이 아니라 야당 정치인들의 발언을 단순 인용해 보도했다는 점이다. NYT 원문은 실제로 “야당 정치인들은 박근혜 보수 정권이 국민의 관심을 국정원 (선거) 개입 스캔들로부터 돌려놓기 위해 마녀 사냥에 기대고 있다고 말했다”(Opposition politicians said the conservative government of President Park Geun-hye was resorting to a witch hunt to divert attention from a scandal involving the agency)는 것으로 야당 정치인들의 발언을 그대로 인용했을 뿐이다.


NYT는 또 통진당을 2차례에 걸쳐 ‘극좌(far-left)’라고 표현했고, 최근의 압수수색(raid)에 대해서도 ‘통진당 관계자들이 ‘정치적 탄압’이라고 부르는 행위’(what they called political oppression)라고 중립적으로 표현했다.


이 기사는 전체적으로 이번 사건과 관련한 국정원·검찰·여당의 주장과 야당의 주장, 객관적 사실 등을 고루 나열하면서 좌우가 서로를 ‘친북’·‘친미’로 비난하는 한국의 정치 상황을 소개하는 내용이었다.










Leftist Leaders Accused of Trying to Overthrow

South Korean Government

Published: August 28, 2013


SEOUL, South Korea — Agents from South Korea’s National Intelligence Service raided the homes and offices of an opposition lawmaker and other members of a far-left opposition party on Wednesday, detaining three of them on charges of plotting to overthrow the government.


The highly unusual raids and charges of treason touched off a political storm in a country already rocked by accusations of meddling in domestic politics by the country’s powerful intelligence agency. Opposition politicians said the conservative government of President Park Geun-hye was resorting to a witch hunt to divert attention from a scandal involving the agency.


A spokesman for the intelligence agency said it worked with state prosecutors in conducting the raid.


South Korean media showed intelligence agents hauling away boxes filled with documents from the National Assembly office of Lee Seok-ki, one of the six lawmakers affiliated with the far-left party, the United Progressive Party. Officials of the party vehemently protested the raid, shouting slogans condemning what they called political oppression.


“Faced with an unprecedented crisis, the presidential office and the National Intelligence Service are concocting a Communist witch hunt in the 21st century,” Lee Jung-hee, the head of the party, said in a statement. “Just as they attacked opposition supporters as pro-North Korean followers during the last presidential election, they are now strangling democratic forces with treason charges.”


Ms. Lee was referring to the indictment of Won Sei-hoon, a former head of the spy agency, on charges of ordering a team of intelligence agents to start an online smear campaign last year against government critics, including candidates who ran against Ms. Park in the presidential election in December.


Prosecutors in that case said the agents often derided the candidates and their parties as sympathetic to North Korea. But the prosecutors did not establish whether the smears affected the outcome of the election.


The country’s political parties have been squabbling over whether to appoint a special prosecutor for a new investigation.


Those detained for questioning on Wednesday include three leaders of the progressive party, one of them a provincial vice chairman, Hong Soon-soek. Mr. Lee, the lawmaker whose office was searched, was not detained because members of the National Assembly are generally immune from arrest while it is in session.


“If the charges are true, this is shocking beyond word,” said the president’s chief spokesman, Lee Jung-hyun, whose office denied that the investigation was politically motivated.


Neither prosecutors nor the intelligence service revealed details of the treason charges against the opposition politicians.


The national news agency Yonhap, quoting unnamed intelligence officials, reported that they were accused of plotting to sabotage communications, oil facilities and other installations as part of a plot to overthrow the South Korean government, a charge the progressive party called absurd.


Like many other members of his party, Mr. Lee, the lawmaker, is a former student activist who was prosecuted under the country’s anti-Communist national security laws.


He served a prison sentence for participating in an underground political party that was manipulated by the North Korean government during the 1990s.


Since he and other progressives won seats in the National Assembly in 2012, some conservative South Koreans have attacked them as “jongbuk,” or blind followers of North Korea.


The progressive party’s platform calls for “rectifying our nation’s shameful history tainted by imperialist invasions, the national divide, military dictatorship, the tyranny and plunder of transnational monopoly capital and chaebol,” the latter referring to South Korea’s giant family-controlled business conglomerates. The party wants to end the American military presence, dismantle South Korea’s “subordinate alliance with the United States” and unify the North and the South. In a television interview last year, Mr. Lee said that “a problem far bigger than jongbuk” was blindly following the United States, or “jongmi.”


Conservatives have often accused progressives here of being too quick to question their country’s alliance with Washington but too reluctant to say a harsh word about North Korea over human rights abuses and the pursuit of nuclear weapons. Before she was elected president, Ms. Park once proposed a parliamentary vote to force Mr. Lee from the legislature, calling his ideology “questionable.”


Treason charges were sometimes used by South Korea’s former military dictators to arrest dissidents, but after the country was democratized, the tables were turned: two former presidents, Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, were convicted in 1996 of mutiny and treason for their roles in a 1979 military coup and 1980 crackdowns on a pro-democracy uprising in the southern city of Kwangju that left hundreds killed.


On Wednesday, the United Progressive party said that the raid was reminiscent of the Yushin, or “revitalization,” era, when Ms. Park’s father, Park Chung-hee, ruled the country with an iron fist.


He came to power in a military coup in 1961 and ruled for 18 years; during his tenure, dissidents were tortured and sometimes executed without a proper trial on the same kinds of accusations now leveled at Mr. Lee. The National Intelligence Service, once known as KCIA, was a favorite tool in campaigns to frame the dictators’ political opponents as North Korea sympathizers; successive governments since then have vowed to reform the agency and keep it out of domestic politics.